Experienced Criminal Defense, DWI, Traffic Ticket & Personal Injury Attorneys


Firm Announcements and Law Updates

First Week of Aberle & Wall in the Books!


Update from Brennan Aberle, Partner:

It has been an incredible first week of Aberle & Wall. I am very used to fighting for clients but I have never had to run a business before and I don’t know how I would have survived without Julie Wall showing me the finer points of opening business accounts and registering with the Secretary of State. We are both thankful for all of the support as we get ready for a week where both of us have been scheduled in each of the two Greensboro Superior Court rooms as the first matters matters for jury trial on Monday morning. As I left work on Friday night, I first noticed just how beautiful our office is against the Greensboro skyline at night. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this exciting adventure we have embarked on!